New Jeans
My all time favorite pair of jeans is a pair of bootcut Gap jeans that I got on the clearance rack for $29. They look more expensive (I think it's colored stitching) than they are, they fit perfect and are the perfect length for my highest heels, yet mysteriously also don't drag on the ground when I wear flip flops with them. I've had them for 3 years, I think, yet they still look stylish. I love them. They are kind of getting worn, but after 3 years of wear, that's to be expected.
I have bought several pairs of Gap jeans over the years, and with the exception of a few torn belt loops (from trying to hike up the low rise jeans), they have all held up pretty well. And even if they didn't, I have never paid more than $58 for jeans there!
Now, let's talk about my other favorite jeans. With the pricey jean craze, I have bought a few pairs. My first pair were the Blue Cult ones in November 2005. By the summer of 2006, the length had shrunk so much that I could only wear them with flip flops, and they are almost completely worn through on the thighs. They look like pants you'd wear to paint in or something. Gross. My second pair were David Kahn (the guy who makes Sevens) in April 2006. As of December 2006, they have a "run" in them, above the knee. Like they ran across something pointy. Still wearable, but it bothers me. In July 2006, I bought some Pine IV jeans. Last weekend, one of the back pocket buttons fell off. That really pissed me off - these are $180 jeans! So, that was the last straw for me - Nordstrom will take anything back at any time, and I still had the receipt, so I returned them. They don't sell them anymore, so I couldn't get another pair - and I was very very sad to see them go.
I did get another pair of jeans though - only $79! - Kut jeans. All the pictures on Nordstrom's website don't do them justice, but they are cute.
I also got this corduroy blazer, marked down from $110 to $29 (in the store). You can never have enough blazers.

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