Maybe it's just me...
...But I would think that by December 22, one would've put away the flip-flop heels. Or at least stopped wearing them to work. With a wool coat.
New Purse
I just bought my first sight-unseen purse on ebay. It's green, I've always wanted a green purse. Plus I think I got a pretty good deal for a Cynthia Rowley - I got it for about a third of the retail price. Plus, it has the same chain as a purse that Lucky recommended as a "timeless but hip style," and the Bag Blog concurred on. Yeah, I'm really just trying to convince myself that I did the right thing.

Discover cards
So, I'm loving these new designer Discover Cards. I feel a bit guilty for ordering another one, but I can't find mine card right now (but I'm pretty sure it's in my car, so I don't want to report it stolen).
I looked at all 150+ designs. T

And the one I just had to get because it's my puppy:
One question for Discover: All the "hobbies" are boring - where's the shopping card? Or the "shoes" card? Sadly missing.
Mmm... Purses

Right now I am coveting this Michael Kors purse. I saw it at Foley's. It's going for pretty much full price on ebay. I am not a $300 purse girl. As much as I would love to say I will carry it forever, I know I won't. It also looks suspiciously like my KVZ bag, which makes me really think I won't carry it for long. $160 is my limit.
I'm loving lots of Marc Jacobs, Cynthia Rowley, Maxx New York, Kooba Sienna (but they are probably waaay too trendy, right?), and a couple Prada purses. I want a cognac (like the Michael Kors), or brown, burgundy, camel, a neutral green or yellow, or for some reason blue (but blue is sooo 80s). I also am loving different colored trim ever since I saw that Maxx New York bag that I totally should have bought.